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Pagi ini saya share soal fungi atau algae untuk latihan OK

Choose the best answer.
1. The cell wall of fungi is made up of:
(a) Cellulose                      
(b) Carbohydrates          
(c) Chitin             
(d) Murein

2. Which characteristic is found in all fungi?
(a) Heterotrophic            
(b) Parasitic                       
(c) Unicellular thallus     
(d) Coencytic hyphae

3. What is called a group of hyphae?
(a) Prothallus                    
(b) Mycelium                    
(c) Septa                             
(d) Sporangium

4. Some fungi are associated with some ………..to form lichens.
(a) Bacteria                        
(b) Virus                              
(c) Algae                             
(d) Mushrooms

5. Which fungus is an example of mutualists?
(a) Agaricus                       
(b) Rhizopus                      
(c) Yeasts                            
(d) Lichens

6.  Which is an example of unicellular fungi?
(a) Agaricus                       
(b) Rhizopus                      
(c) Yeasts                            
(d) Lichens

7. Mycelium is not found in
(a) Agaricus                       
(b) Rhizopus                      
(c) Yeasts                            
(d) Lichens

8. Non-septate hyphae are found in
(a) Agaricus                       
(b) Rhizopus                      
(c) Yeasts                            
(d) Lichens

9. Which group of fungi reproduces only by asexual means?
(a) Agaricus                       
(b) Rhizopus                      
(c) Yeasts                            
(d) Imperfect fungi

10. The upper umbrella shaped part of mushrooms is called:
(a) Stipe                              
(b) Pileus                            
(c) Annulus                        
(d) Fruit Body

11. In mushrooms , spores are produced on:
(a) Stipe                              
(b) Pileus                            
(c) Gills                
(d) Fruit Body

12. Which is not an edible group of fungi?
(a) Toadstools                  
(b) Agaricus                       
(c) Kelps                              
(d) Morels

13. Which organism is used in making bread?
(a) Agaricus                       
(b) Rhizopus                      
(c) Yeasts                            
(d) Lichens

14. Which organism is used in making alcohol?
(a) Agaricus                       
(b) Rhizopus                      
(c) Yeasts                            
(d) Lichens

15. Fumaric acid & citric acid are obtained from
(a) Algae                             
(b) Fungi                             
(c) Ferns                             
(d) Mosses

16. In man, Athlet's foot is caused by
(a) Candida                        
(b) Puccinia                        
(c) Epidermophyton      
(d) Penicillium

17. Which of them is not saprotrphic fungi?
(a) Ustilago                        
b) Rhizopus                       
(c) Bracket fungus          
(d) Penicillium

18. In which one character algae resemble to fungi?
(a) Have cellulose in their cell wall                           
(b) Have chlorophyll
(c) Have unicellular reproductive organs               
(d) Are unicellular

19. Which of them is not algae?
(a) Chlorella                       
(b) Volvox                          
(c) Sargassum                   
(d) Spirogyra

20. Which are the most important primary photosynthetic producers in the aquatic environment?
(a) Golden algea              
(b) Brown algae               
(c) Red algea                     
(d) Diatoms

21. In warm waters, during summer, RED TIDE is caused by :
(a) Diatoms                        
(b) Dinoflagellates          
(c) Green algae
(d) Red algae

22. Tincture iodine is obtained form:
(a) Algae                             
(b) Fungi                             
(c) Ferns                             
(d) Mosses

23. All plants other than fungi and algae are placed in subkingdom:
(a) Thallophytes
(b) Embriophytes            
(c) Bryophytes                 
(d) Pteridophytes

24. Chitin is an example of :
(a) Glucose                        
(b) Cellulose                      
(c) Carbohydrates           
(d) Proteins

25. Pigmen Rhodophyta is
(a) Phycoxantin                               
(b) Phycocyanin                                               
(c) Phycoerythrin                                            
(d) Xantofil

26. In Rhizopus , spores are produced in a rounded, sac like black st. called:
(a) Mycelium                    
(b) Sporangium
(c) Septa                             
(d) Gills

27. The prominent part of mushroom is:
(a) Fruit body    
(b) Mycelium                    
(c) Stipe                              
(d) None of these

28. Penicillin, the first antibiotic was discovered in 1928 by.
(a) Robert Hook
(b) Alexander Flemming              
(c) Pasteur         
(d) Darwin

29. Histoplasmosis is a disease of ………caused by some type of fungi:
(a) Skin                
(b) Lungs                            
(c) Feet                               
(d) Liver

30. The cell wall of algae is composed of:
(a) Chitin                             
(b) Glucose                        
(c) Pectin                            
(d) Cellulose

31. Single Cell Protein Produced by
(a) Euchema spinosum                                 
(b) Gracilaria                     
(c)  Chlorella                      
(d)  Gelidium

32. Filaments of cladophora are:
(a) Branched                     
(b) Unbranched               
(c) Perfect                          
(d) Imperfect

33. Soy can be produced by
(a)  Aspergillus flavus                                    
(b)  Aspergillus wenti                                    
(c)  Aspergillus nidullans                               
(d)  Aspergillus fumigatus

34. Maximum photosynthesis in the water or the oceans is carried by:
(a) Diatoms                        
(b) Dinoflagellates          
(c) Spirogyra                      
(d) None of these

35. These are considered to be the ancestors of plants:
(a) Fungi                             
(b) Green algae
(c) Black Mould
(d) None of these

36. …………..are source of food for all aquatic animals:
(a) Algae                             
(b) Fungi                             
(c) Mould                           
(d) Rhizopus

37. Algae carry out ……..% of all photosynthesis taking place in aquatic environment:
(a) 20                                    
(b) 40                   
(c) 70                    
(d) 90

38. It spoils the taste of drinking water and gives it a bad odour:
(a) Yeast                             
(b) Algae                             
(c) Fungi                              
(d) Black Mould

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