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1.   This structure is called the windpipe and is supported by rings of cartilage.
A.  Bronchus
B.  Alveolus
C.  Pharynx
D.  Trachea

2.   These respiratory tuves are primarily composed of smooth muscle and determine the flow of air to the alveoli.
A.  Trachea
B.  Bronchi
C.  Bronchioles
D.  Nares

3.   The trachea branches into the right and left
A.  Alveoli
B.  Bronchi
C.  Nares
D.  Pulmonary arteries

4.   The lungs are located within the
A.  Mediastinum
B.  Dorsal cavity
C.  Spinal cavity
D.  Thoracic cavity

5.   Oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the
A.  Bronchioles
B.  Trachea
C.  Pulmonary capillaries
D.  Eustachian tube

6.   This nerve innervates the diaphragm.
A.  Intercostal nerve
B.  Sciatic
C.  Phrenic
D.  Cranial nerve XI

7.   The diaphragm
A.  Is smooth muscle that forms the bronchioles
B.  Is skeletal muscle
C.  Contracts in response to the firing of the vagus nerve
D.  Forms the outer lining of the lungs

8.   The pleural membranes
A.  Line the respiratory passages
B.  Form the bronchioles
C.  Are serous membranes
D.  Are confined to the mediastinum

9.    The respiratory passages are lined with
A.  Pleura
B.  Mucous membrane
C.  Serous membrane
D.  Muscle

10.   Most oxygen is transported through the blood
A.  Attached to hemoglobin.
B.  As bicarbonate.
C.  As surfactant.
D.  As lysozyme.

11.   Which of the following is the dome-shaped muscle that is the chief muscle of inhalation?
A.  Diaphragm
B.  Epiglottis
C.  Mediastinum
D.  Pericardium

12.   Bronchiolar constriction is most likely to cause
A.  Pneumothorax.
B.  Pulmonary edema.
C.  Wheezing.
D.  Laryngitis.

13.   Surfactants are found within the
A.  Pulmonary capillaries.
B.  Trachea.
C.  Alveoli.
D.  Intrapleural space.

14.    Which of the following regulates respiratory activity?
A.  PO2
B.  PCO2
C.  Bicarbonate
D.  Albumin

15.   Which of the following structures controls respirations?
A.  Medulla oblongata
B.  Basal ganglia
C.  Postcentral gyrus
D.  Limbic system

16.   As plasma PCO2 increases,
A.  Hemoglobin synthesis increases.
B.  Ventilation increases.
C.  Vital capacity increases.
D.  Respirations cease.

17.   These respiratory muscles are located between the ribs.
A.  Diaphragm
B.  Bronchiolar smooth muscle
C.  Intercostals
D.  Sternocleidomastoids

18.   Contraction of the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles
A.  Stimulates the phrenic and intercostal nerves.
B.  Decreases thoracic volume.
C.  Causes air to move out of the lungs.
D.  Is responsible for inhalation.

19.   Stimula  Stimulation of the phrenic and intercostal nerves causes the release of this neurotransmitter into the neuromuscular junction.
A.  Adrenaline
B.  Norepinephrine
C.  Acetylcholine
D.  Myosin

20.   Dyspnea means
A.  “puffed up” alveoli.
B.  Pneumonia.
C.  Cyanosis.
D.  Difficulty breathing.

21.   The Adam’s apple is
A.  Cartilage.
B.  The epiglottis.
C.  The primary site of gas exchange.
D.  The pharynx.

22.   Frontal, maxillary, sphenoidal, and ethmoidal
A.  Refer to the bones of the thorax.
B.  Are saliva-secreting glands.
C.  Are paranasal sinuses.
D.  Are lined with serous membrane.

23.   When the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles relax,
A.  Air moves out of the lungs.
B.  Inhalation occurs.
C.  Ventilation ceases.
D.  Chest volume increases.

24.   Which    Which of the following best describes eupnea?
A.  Kussmaul respirations
B.  Vital capacity
C.  Normal, quiet breathing
D.  Hypoxemia

25.    Intra-alveolar surface tension is due to
A.  Acid.
B.  Mucus.
C.  Water.
D.  Bicarbonate.

26.    Hypoventilation decreases the respiratory excretion of
A.  Oxygen.
B.  Water.
C.  Carbon dioxide.
D.  Albumin.

27.    Hypoventilation can cause
A.  Bleeding and hypotension.
B.  Alkalosis and Kussmaul respirations.
C.  Hypoxemia and acidosis.
D.  Hyperglycemia and acidosis.

28.    Which of the following is most likely to cause hypoxia?
A.  Kussmaul respirations
B.  Hyperventilation
C.  Medullary depression
D.  Brain stem stimulation

29.   Boyle’s law forms the basis of
A.  Ventilation.
B.  Chemical regulation of breathing.
C.  Oxygen transport in the blood.
D.  Carbon dioxide transport in the blood.

30.    Boyle’s law states the relationship between volume and
A.  O2.
B.  CO2.
C.  Pressure.
D.  H2O.

31.   Which of the following is necessary for the lungs to remain expanded?
A.  The alveolar cells must secrete surfactant.
B.  he intrapulmonic pressure must be negative.
C.  The glottis must be closed.
D.  The intrapleural pressure must be negative.

32. The nares, nostrils, and nasal septum
A.  Are concerned with gas exchange.
B.  Are located in the upper respiratory tract.
C.  Contain gustatory organs.
D.  Are parts of the bronchial tree.

33.    Which of the following is most related to the transport of the respiratory gases by the blood?
A.  Inhalation, exhalation
B.  Oxyhemoglobin, carbaminohemoglobin
C.  Inspiration, expiration
D.  Breathing in, breathing out

34.    Which Which of the following contributes to the wheezing of asthma?
A.  Constriction of the bronchiolar smooth muscle
B.  Edema of the vocal cords
C.  Inflammation of the trachea and pharynx
D.  Pneumothorax

35.    Anatomic dead air space is most associated with this structure
A.  Frontal sinus
B.  Alveoli
C.  Trachea
D.  Esophagus

36.     The water molecule is polar, meaning that each end of the molecule has an electrical charge. Because of this characteristic, water
A.  Has a high surface tension.
B.  Can only dissolve lipids.
C.  Is a poor solvent.
D.  Is lipid-soluble.

37.    Which of the following structures is located in the lungs?
A.  Pharynx
B.  Epiglottis
C.  Alveoli
D.  Larynx

38.    Which of the following is most related to the relaxation of the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles?
A.  Results from the firing of the inspiratory neurons
B.  Due to the firing of the phrenic and intercostal nerves
C.  Decreases thoracic volume
D.  Causes air to move into the lungs

39.    What is the transport mechanism necessary for the movement of oxygen from the alveoli across the pulmonary capillary membranes into the blood?
A.  Osmosis
B.  Filtration
C.  Diffusion
D.  Active transport pump

40.    What is the effect of an overdose of an opioid (narcotic)?
A.  Alters the shape of the hemoglobin so that it cannot bind to oxygen
B.  Depresses the medulla oblongata and depresses ventilation
C.  Causes spasm of the epiglottis resulting in an upper airway obstruction
D.  Causes hyperventilation and alkalosis

41. Which of the following conditions correlate with the following information:  High pH  Neutral HCO3 Neutral BE  Low pCO2
A.  Respiratory alkalosis
B.  Respiratory acidosis
C.  Metabolic acidosis
D.  Metabolic alkalosis

42. Which of the following is considered an expectorant?
A.  Acetylcysteine
B.  Guaifenesin
C.  Theophylline
D.  Epinephrine HCL

43. What cell type secrets surfactant?
A.  Plasma cell
B.  Type I alveolar cell
C.  Type II alveolar cell
D.  Type III alveolar cell

44. Pneumoncystis carinii infections are commonly treated with which of the following medications?
A.  Pentamidine
B.  Allopurinol
C.  Iorazepam
D.  Chlorpropamide

45. Which of the following matches the definition: The maximum volume of air that can be exhaled after taking the deepest breath possible?
A.  Expiratory reserve volume
B.  Inspiratory capacity
C.  Inspiratory reserve volume
D.  Inspiratory capacity


1.   A large muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity and helps with breathing. 
A.  Larynx
B.  Trachea
C.  Diaphragm

2.   These carry air into the lungs.
A.  Bronchi and bronchiole tubes
B.  Alveoli
C.  Sinuses

3.   Small air sacs in the lungs where many capillaries exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen taken into the body. 
A.  Bronchi
B.  Alveoli
C.  Trachea

4.   The windpipe
A.  Larynx
B.  Adenoid
C.  Trachea

5.   The two major organs of the respiratory system where the gas exchange takes place and carbon dioxide is given off and oxygen taken in. 
A.  Kidneys
B.  Lungs
C.  Intestines

6.   The voicebox
A.  Pharynx
B.  Trachea
C.  Larynx

7.   This tube carries air down to the windpipe.
A.  Larynx
B.  Sinuses
C.  Pharynx

8.   Which of these is the job of the respiratory system?
A.  Holding up the body and giving it support and shape.
B.  Gas exchange between the external environment and the body's circulatory system.
C.  Breaking down food for it to be used by the body.

9.   Lymph tissue and lymph nodes that protect the body from infection
A.  Adenoids and tonsils
B.  Alveoli and sinuses
C.  Bronchi and trachea

10. Small spaces in the skull thought to regulate the temperature and humidity of the air taken in to the body. 
A.  Alveoli
B.  Tonsils
C.  Sinuses

11. A flap over the trachea that keeps out food and anything else that could clog the trachea.
A.  Epiglottis
B.  Larynx
C.  Pharynx