1) Gluconeogenesis occurs in the liver due to the action of ________.
A) aldosterone
B) insulin
C) secretin
D) cortisol
Answer: D
2) Normal development of the immune response is due in part to hormones produced by the
A) adrenal medulla
B) pancreas
C) thyroid gland
D) thymus gland
Answer: D
3) Virtually all of the protein or amino acid-based hormones exert their effects through
intracellular ________.
A) ions
B) deactivators
C) nucleotides
D) second messengers
Answer: D
4) Which of the following is not a category of endocrine gland stimulus?
A) enzyme
B) humoral
C) neural
D) hormonal
Answer: A
5) Chemical substances secreted by cells into the extracellular fluids that regulate the metabolic
function of other cells in the body are called ________.
A) enzymes
B) antibodies
C) proteins
D) hormones
Answer: D
6) The hypothalamic-hypophyseal tract ________.
A) connects the hypophysis to the pituitary gland
B) is partly contained within the infundibulum
C) conducts aldosterone to the hypophysis
D) is the site of prolactin synthesis
Answer: B
7) Tropic hormones ________.
A) include ACTH and TSH
B) do not regulate the function of other endocrine glands
C) exert their effects on cells by direct gene activation
D) include GH and PRL
Answer: A
8) Growth hormone ________.
A) is also called somatostatin
B) is regulated by humoral mechanisms
C) secretion results in a decrease in muscle mass
D) promotes long bone growth during the formative years
Answer: D
9) Oxytocin ________.
A) release is an example of a positive feedback control mechanism
B) is an adenohypophyseal secretion
C) exerts its most important effects during menstruation
D) controls milk production
Answer: A
10) ADH ________.
A) increases urine production
B) promotes dehydration
C) is produced in the adenohypophysis
D) is inhibited by alcohol
Answer: D
11) Thyroid hormone exerts its influence by ________.
A) entering some cells and binding to intracellular receptors within the nuclei
B) exerting only a minor effect on body metabolism
C) causing a reduction in the number of blood vessel adrenergic receptors, and therefore
decreasing blood pressure
D) acting to decrease basal metabolic rate
Answer: A
12. Gonadocorticoid(s) ________.
A) synthesized by the adrenal medulla are primarily androgens
B) production by the adrenal gland is insignificant compared with sex hormone release
from the gonads during late puberty
C) secretion inhibition is highly dependent on a negative feedback loop involving ACTH
D) hypersecretion can result in adrenogenital syndrome, also called feminization
Answer: B
13) Sometimes prolonged excessive exposure to high hormone concentrations causes a
phenomenon known as ________.
A) diabetes mellitus
B) cellular inhibition
C) down-regulation
D) metabolism of protein kinases
Answer: C
14) Which of the following is not a change that may be caused by hormonal stimulus?
A) a change in membrane potential
B) the stimulation of a genetic event resulting in protein synthesis
C) an increase in enzymatic activity
D) direct control of the nervous system
Answer: D
15) The ability of a specific tissue or organ to respond to the presence of a hormone is dependent
on ________.
A) the location of the tissue or organ with respect to the circulatory path
B) the membrane potential of the cells of the target organ
C) the presence of the appropriate receptors on the cells of the target tissue or organ
D) nothingall hormones of the human body are able to stimulate any and all cell types
because hormones are powerful and nonspecific
Answer: C
16) Several hormones are synthesized in the hypothalamus and transported to the anterior
pituitary gland. The mechanism of transportation from hypothalamus to anterior pituitary
gland is through the ________.
A) hepatic portal system
B) general circulatory system
C) hypophyseal portal system
D) feedback loop
Answer: C
17) The neurohypophysis or posterior lobe of the pituitary gland is not a true endocrine gland
because ________.
A) it is strictly a part of the neural system and has little or nothing to do with hormonal
B) embryonically it was an endocrine tissue, but in the adult human it is no longer
C) it is unable to function as an endocrine tissue because it is actually part of the neural
system due to its location
D) it is only a hormone storage area that receives hormones from the hypothalamus for
Answer: D
18) Insulin, a small (51-amino-acid) protein, is synthesized by the beta cells of the pancreas. This
hormone is released ________.
A) in excessive amounts in obese people
B) in response to severe physical stress (i.e., a ten-mile run)
C) when the bodyʹs glucose level rises
D) when the bodyʹs glucose level drops
Answer: C
19) Steroid hormones exert their action by ________.
A) entering the nucleus of a cell and initiating or altering the expression of a gene
B) finding an appropriate cell receptor and initiating cAMP activity
C) stimulating the synthesis of a glycogen
D) increasing blood pressure
Answer: A
20) The second-messenger mechanism of hormone action operates by ________.
A) synthesizing more of the hormone than is actually needed
B) increasing the basal metabolic rate in the target organ
C) not responding to a feedback mechanism
D) binding to specific receptors and employing the services of G proteins and cAMP
Answer: D
21) Hormones often cause a cell to elicit multiple responses; this is because ________.
A) there are thousands of receptors on the cell membrane
B) the receptors bind to several hormones at the same time
C) the protein kinases are rapidly metabolized
D) during protein kinase activation, enzymes phosphorylate many other enzymes
Answer: D
22) Cells that respond to peptide hormones usually do so through a sequence of biochemical
reactions involving receptor and kinase activation. In order for cells to respond, it is necessary
for first and second messengers to communicate. This is possible because ________.
A) peptide hormones always enter the cell membrane and elicit a response without
assistance from other messengers
B) hormones alter cellular operations through stimulation of a gene directly
C) G protein acts as the link between first and second messengers
D) the hormone receptor complex moves into the cytoplasm as a unit
Answer: C
23) Thyroid hormone (a small iodinated amine) enters target cells in a manner similar to ________.
A) insulin, because insulin is a small peptide
B) steroid hormones, because both diffuse easily into target cells
C) growth hormone, because the thyroid works synergistically with thyroid hormone
D) glucagon, because the structure of glucagon is similar to that of thyroid hormone
Answer: B
24) When it becomes necessary to enlist the fight-or-flight response, a hormone that is released
during the alarm phase of the general adaptation syndrome is ________.
A) estrogen
B) epinephrine
C) angiotensinogen
D) renin
Answer: B
25) One of the least complicated of the endocrine control systems directly responds to changing
blood levels of ions and nutrients. Which of the following describes this mechanism?
A) the rapid oxidation of carbohydrates
B) catabolic inhibition
C) protein synthesis
D) humoral stimulation
Answer: D
26) The major targets of growth hormone are ________.
A) the blood vessels
B) the adrenal glands
C) the liver
D) bones and skeletal muscles
Answer: D
27) The parathyroid glands maintain adequate levels of blood calcium. This is accomplished
through ________.
A) blocking the action of growth hormone
B) targeting the bone and activating osteoclasts so that calcium will be released
C) antagonizing the synthesis of calcitonin
D) slowing the activity of tissues that require calcium for activity
Answer: B
28) Which organ is responsible for synthesizing ANP?
A) the heart
B) the kidney
C) the skin
D) the spleen
Answer: A
29) Mineralocorticoid is to aldosterone as glucocorticoid is to ________.
A) testosterone
B) estrogen
C) cortisol
D) epinephrine
Answer: C
30) Leptin is secreted by ________.
A) lymphocytes
B) adipocytes
C) goblet cells
D) fibroblasts
Answer: B
31) The most important regulator of electrolyte concentrations in extracellular fluids is ________.
A) insulin
B) aldosterone
C) glucagon
D) cortisol
Answer: B
32) Which of the following is not a steroid-based hormone?
A) estrogen
B) aldosterone
C) epinephrine
D) cortisone
Answer: C
33) Which of the following does not act as a second messenger in second-messenger systems of
hormone action?
A) cyclic AMP
B) calmodulin
C) cyclic GMP
D) inositol triphosphate
Answer: B
34) Select the correct statement about the structure or function of chemical messengers.
A) Prostaglandins are biologically active peptides.
B) Modified cholesterol forms the main structural component of the peptone hormones.
C) An amino acid derivative can be a hormone.
D) An example of a paracrine is testosterone.
Answer: C
35) Which of the following would be associated with the action of steroids on cells?
A) extracellular receptors with a specificity for only a single amino acid sequence on the
B) an enzyme that catalyzes the formation of cyclic AMP
C) second-messenger systems
D) a hormone-receptor complex that interacts directly with the cellʹs DNA
Answer: D
36) Cellular responses to hormones that initiate second-messenger systems include ________.
A) possible activation of several different second-messenger systems
B) cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase formation of an active second messenger
C) formation of a specific protein kinase that acts on a series of extracellular intermediates
D) hormone binding to intracellular receptors
Answer: A
37) Regulating hormones from the hypothalamus ________.
A) enter venous circulation and travel to the heart, which pumps the hormone-containing
blood to the pituitary
B) enter the hepatic portal system, which feeds the pituitary
C) travel by arteries to the pituitary
D) first enter into the hypophyseal portal system
Answer: D
38) ACTH ________.
A) is secreted by the posterior pituitary
B) secretion is regulated by a hypothalamic secretion
C) causes the release of hormones from the adrenal medulla
D) is not a tropic hormone
Answer: B
39) Which of the following is true about calcium homeostasis?
A) Increased calcitonin levels will cause increased blood calcium levels.
B) High calcium levels cause bone resorption.
C) Parathyroid hormone causes an increase in osteoblast activity.
D) Parathyroid hormone is the single most important regulator of calcium levels in the
Answer: D
40) Aldosterone ________.
A) is secreted by the neurohypophysis
B) functions to increase sodium reabsorption
C) presence increases potassium concentration in the blood
D) production is greatly influenced by ACTH
Answer: B
41) The only amine hormone to act like a steroid is ________.
Answer: A
42) Which organ does not have hormone production?
A) heart
B) kidney
C) liver
D) skin
Answer: C
43) In circumstances where the body requires prolonged or increased levels of a hormone, the
DNA of target cells will specify the synthesis of more receptors on the surface of the cells of the
target organ. This is known as ________.
A) the cellʹs sensitivity reaction
B) cellular affinity
C) up-regulation
D) a reaction to a stressor
Answer: C
44) Eicosanoids do not include ________.
A) paracrines
B) leukotrienes
C) hydrocortisones
D) prostaglandins
Answer: C
45) A man has been told that he is not synthesizing enough follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH),
and for this reason he may be unable to father a child. Choose the correct statement to explain
this problem.
A) FSH stimulates estrogen secretion by ovarian cells; therefore it is not synthesized by
B) The physician is wronga hormone made in the adenohypophysis could not influence
C) FSH stimulates sperm production in the testes.
D) The man must be producing progesterone, which inhibits the synthesis of FSH.
Answer: C
46) Which of the following organs is affected by thyroid hormone in adults?
A) liver
B) spleen
C) thyroid gland
D) brain
Answer: A
47) Thyroxine is a peptide hormone, but its mechanism is different from other peptide hormones.
Which of the following statements is true concerning this difference?
A) It causes positive feedback.
B) It does not require a second messenger to effect a response.
C) It is very specific in the cell type it targets.
D) It is a stimulant of cellular metabolism and targets all cells.
Answer: B
48) Factors that inhibit TSH release do not include ________.
A) growth hormone-inhibiting hormone (GHIH)
B) rising levels of glucocorticoids
C) somatostatin
D) excessively high blood iodine concentrations
Answer: D
49) Glucocorticoids enable the body to deal appropriately with stress. They accomplish this by
A) increasing blood glucose, fatty acid, and amino acid levels and enhancing blood pressure
B) decreasing the heart rate, thus decreasing blood pressure
C) stimulating the pancreas to release insulin
D) blocking the neurotransmitters that prepare the body for the stress response
Answer: A
50) What ion is sometimes used as a second messenger of amino acid-base hormones?
A) Iron
B) Calcium
C) Sodium
D) Chlorine
Answer: B
- Hormon adalah senyawa organic yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar endokrin (kelenjar buntu)
- Menurut bahasa hormone berasal dari kata “hormaen” yang berarti menggiatkan
- Hormon juga disebut sebagai sistem yang tersusun dari penghasil hormon (kelenjar/glandula) dan hormon itu sendiri. Hormon itu bentuknya cair yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar.
- kelenjar secara umum ada 2 macam, yaitu kelenjar eksokrin dan kelenjar endokrin.
- kelenjar eksokrin adalah kelenjar yang menghasilkan hormon yang dikeluarkan tidak di darah, tetapi di permukaan suatu organ atau jaringan epitel.
- kelenjar endokrin adalah kelenjar yang mengeluarkan hormon ke darah.
- Hormon akan dikeluarkan oleh kelenjar endokrin bila ada rangsangan (stimulus).
- Hormon tidak mempunyai saluran khusus
- Hormon masuk kedalam system peredaran darah menuju ke organ sasaran.
- Jumlah hormone yang diperlukan sedikit, tapi mempunyai kemampuan kerja yang besar dan lama
- jika jumlah hormon yang disekresikan berlebih atau kurang, akan timbul kelainan-kelainan pada tubuh.
- Beberapa hormon juga bekerja secara antagonis, contohnya insulin dengan glukogen, serta PTH dengan kalsitonin
- Mengendalikan proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan
- Mengendalikan proses reproduksi
- Mengendalikan proses metabolisme zat
- Menjaga keseimbangan dalam tubuh atau disebut juga homeostasis.
- Mengatur tingkah laku (behavioral)
- Hormon dan sistem saraf bersama-sama mengatur regulasi tubuh:
- Mengatur kesetimbangan cairan tubuh dalam proses homeostatis (nutrisi, metabolisme, kesetimbangan garam dan air, kesetimbangan gula hingga ekskresi)
- Bereaksi terhadap rangsang dari luar tubuh
- Berperan dalam pertumbuhan dan perkembangan
- Pengaturan dan penyimpanan energi
- Kelenjar yang bekerja sepanjang hayat, misal hormon yang memegang peranan dalam metabolisme.
- Kelenjar yang bekerja mulai masa tertentu, misal hormon kelamin.
- Kelenjar yang bekerja sampai masa tertentu saja, misal hormon pertumbuhan, hormon timus.
- Kelenjar hipofisis, terletak di dasar otak besar.
- Kelenjar tiroid atau kelenjar gondok, terletak di daerah leher.
- Kelenjar paratiroid atau kelenjar anak gondok, terletak di dekat kelenjar gondok.
- Kelenjar epifise.
- Kelenjar timus atau kelenjar kacangan.
- Kelenjar adrenal atau suprarenalis, terletak di atas ginjal.
- Kelenjar pankreas atau pulau-pulau Langerhans, terletak di sebelah bawah lambung (ventrikulus).
- Kelenjar usus dan lambung.
- Kelenjar kelamin atau kelenjar gonad, pada wanita terletak di daerah rongga perut, pada pria di dalam buah zakar dalam kantong skrotum.
- Terletak di bagian dasar otak di bawah hipotalamus
- Terdiri dari 3 bagian:hipofisis depan (lobus anterior), Hipofisis bagian tengah (lobus intermediet), hipofisis bagian belakang (lobus posterior)
Hipofisis depan (lobus anterior) menghasilkan hormone:
1. Somatotropin (STH=Growth Hormon)
- Fungsi: merangsang sintesis protein, metabolism lemak, dan otot
- Defisiensi: dwarfisme (kerdil)
- Kelebihan: gigantisme (tumbuh raksasa pada anak), akromegali (pertumuhan tidak seimbang pada persendian dan ujung tulang orang dewasa)
2. Tirotropin ( TSH = Thyroid stimulsting hormone)
- Fungsi: mengontrol pertumbuhan dan perkembangan kelenjar gondok, merangsang tiroid mensekresikan tiroksin.
3. Adrenokortikotropik (ACTH=Adrenocorticotropic hormone)
- Fungsi: merangsang korteks adrenal untuk mensekresikan glukokortikoid dan mineralokortikoid.
- Fungsi: merangsang kelenjar mamae(kelenjar susu) dan memelihara korpus luteum dalam memproduksi progesterone
5. Gonadotropin
Terdiri dari:
A. FSH (Folice stimulating hormone)
- pada wanita: mengatur perkembangan ovarium dan berpengaruh pada kematangan folikel
- pada pria: mengatur pembentukan sperma (spermatogenesis)
B. LH (Luteinizing Hormone)
- Pada wanita: merangsang pelepasan telur dari ovarium (ovulasi) dan meluruhkan dinding ovarium
- Pada pria: disebut ISCH (interestitial cell stimulating hormone) untuk merangsang sel intersisial testis memproduksi testosterone dan androgen (androsteron)
Hipofisis bagian tengah (lobus intermediet)
- penghasil melanotropin (MSH= melanocyt stimulating hormone)
- untuk hewan berfungsi sintesis melanin dan penyebaran melanofor untuk kamuflase.
Hipofisis bagian belakang (lobus posterior) mensekresikan hormone:
- Vasopresin (ADH=anti diuretic hormone) yang berfungsi pada reabrorbsi tubulus ginjal. Defisiensi: sering buang air & diabetes insipidus
- Oksitosin, berfungsi merangsang kontraksi otot dinding Rahim dan sekresi air susu.
- Terdapat pada leher bagian depan, dibawah jakun
- Menghasilkan hormone tiroksin dan Hormon Kalsitonin
- Hormon tiroksin akan aktif jika mendapat perintah dari TSH yang berada di hipofisis. Kerja hormon tiroksin banyak dipengaruhi oleh kadar iodin di dalam darah dan mengontrol kecepatan metabolisme tubuh untuk menghasilkan energy
- Kelebihan: morbus basedowi (meningkatnya metabolisme, meningkatnya denyut jantung, gugup, emosional, pelupuk mata terbuka lebar, dan bola mata melotot (eksoftalmus), pada anak akan menyebabkan gigantisme
- Kekurangan: kretinisme, mixoedem (obesitas & kecerdasan menurun pada orang dewasa)
Hormone kalsitonin
- Hormon Kalsitonin berperan mengatur keseimbangan kadar kalsium di dalam darah sehingga mencegah kalsium keluar dari tulang.
- Terdapat pada dorsal kelenjar tiroid
- Menghasilkan parathormon (PTH). Parathormon merupakan hormon yang bersama dengan kalsitonin mengatur kadar kalsium tubuh.
- Defisiensi: peningkatan ekstibilitas system saraf dengan kerja otot, tetanus
- Kelebihan: kadar kalsium dalam darah meningkat, hal ini akan mengakibatkan terjadinya endapan kapur pada ginjal, disebut batu ginjal.
- terletak dalam rongga dada dan melekat di belakang tulang dada.
- Membuat hormon somatotropin yang berguna untuk pertumbuhan.
- Defisiensi: -usia muda:kretinisme (kerdil)
- Kelebihan: -usia muda: gigantisme
- usia dewasa: akromegali (pertumbuhan ujung tulang pipa ke arah samping)
- Terletak diatas ginjal
- Tersusun dari korteks dan medulla
- Mineralokortikoid: mengatur keseimbangan air dan elektrolit Na dan K
- Gonadokortikoid: androgen dan estradiol dalam jumlah sedikit
- Glukokortikoid: metabolism lemak & protein untuk membentuk glukosa
- Adrenalin: menyempitkan pembuluh darah sehingga meningkatkan tekanan darah, mengendurkan otot bronkiolus sehingga melegakan pernapasan. metabolism karbohidrat dengan sekresi glukosa dari hati
Kelainan pada adrenal
- adison: hipofungsi adrenal
- coushing syndrome: hiperfungsi adrenalin
- virilisme: munculnya ciri kelamin sekunder pada pria dan wanita
- Noradrenalin: menaikan tekanan darah dengan merangsang serabut otot dalam dinding pembuluh darah untuk kontraksi
- Melekat pada otak diatas cerebellum
- Menghasilkan hormone melatonin
- Penghambat fungsi reproduksi
- Zat antioksidan dalam otak
- Mengatur ritme bilogis harian
- Kelenjar pankreas merupakan kelenjar endokrin yang menghasilkan hormon, sekaligus merupakan kelenjar eksokrin karena menghasilkan enzim pencernaan.
- Menghasilkan Insulin, berfungsi antagonis dengan hormon adrenalin, yaitu untuk mengubah gula menjadi glikogen di dalam hati dan otot.
- Mengatur kadar gula darah agar tetap seimbang
- Defisiensi: diabetes mellitus
- Kelenjar kelamin pria (testis) : menghasilkan androgen (testosterone).
- ICSH (Intersistiel Cell Stimulating Hormone), salah satu hormon yang dihasilkan kelenjar pituitari berperan dalam pendewasaan tersebut.
- ICSH merangsang testis (buah zakar) untuk menggetahkan androgen atau testosterone.
- Fungsi testosterone: spermatogenesis, memberi feedback pada sekresi Luteinizing Hormon
Kelenjar kelamin wanita (ovarium)
- Masa pubertas dipicu oleh hormon yang dihasilkan kelenjar pituitari, yaitu FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) dan LH (Luteinizing Hormone).
- menghasilkan hormon estrogen dan progresteron
- dihasilkan folikel de graaf.
- bertanggung jawab dalam memelihara fungsi organ kelamin
- merangsang perkembangan endometrium
- memacu pertumbuhan ciri-ciri kelamin sekunder wanita,
- menghentikan FSH yang disekresi Hipofise anterior
- Merangsang keluarnya LH dari Hipofise anterior
- Dihasilkan korpus luteum . Badan Kuning
- Menghalangi produksi FSH
- Mengatur pertumbuhan plasenta
- Memperlancar produksi ASI bersama laktogen
Meliputi Kelenjar pada usus dan kelenjar dilambung
Kelenjar di usus
- Menghasilkan sekretin & kolesistokinin yang berfungsi merangsang pengeluaran getah pancreas
- Menghasilkan gastrin yang berfungsi merangsang pengeluaran getah lambung
Menghasilkan hormone:
- CRF (Corticitropin Releasing Factor)
- GnRF (gonadotropin releasing factor)
- TRF (tirotropin releasing factor)
Ketiganya langsung disekresikan ke hipofisis
- Menghasilkan hormone progesterone & HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) yang fungsinya sama dengan LH & FSH
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